一、安装说明(以CentOS 5为例)
[root@localhost ~]# cd phddns- [root@localhost phddns-]# aclocal [root@localhost phddns-]# autoconf [root@localhost phddns-]# automake [root@localhost phddns-]# ./configure [root@localhost phddns-]# make [root@localhost phddns-]# cd src [root@localhost src]# ls -l phddns -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 80968 Aug 2 11:18 phddns
输入服务器地址,如无特殊情况可使用默认值 Enter server address(press ENTER use phlinux3.oray.net):
Enter your Oray account:
Network interface(s): eth0: lo: Choose one(default eth0):
Log to use(default /var/log/phddns.log):
Save to configuration file (/etc/phlinux.conf)?(yes/no/other): NIC bind success OnStatusChanged okConnecting OnStatusChanged okDomainListed OnDomainRegistered skyvense22.gicp.net OnStatusChanged okDomainsRegistered UserType: 0 看到上面这些就表示登录成功,这个时候可以按ctrl+c先退出程序
[root@localhost src]# cp phddns /usr/bin/
phlinux started as daemon! [root@localhost ~]# tail /var/log/phddns.log 2011/08/02 11:28:58.256| ExecuteUpdate OK, BeginKeepAlive! 2011/08/02 11:29:59.354| SendKeepAlive() 8208 2011/08/02 11:30:00.355| RecvKeepaliveResponse() Data comes, OPCODE:8272 2011/08/02 11:30:00.356| Keepalive response received, client ip: 2011/08/02 11:31:00.447| SendKeepAlive() 8208 2011/08/02 11:31:01.450| RecvKeepaliveResponse() Data comes, OPCODE:8272 2011/08/02 11:31:01.450| Keepalive response received, client ip:
[root@localhost ~]# ps -A | grep phddns 13731 ? 00:00:00 phlinux 让后台进程退出 [root@localhost ~]# kill -9 13731
[root@localhost ~]# vi /etc/rc.local 在文件的末尾加上一行:/usr/bin/phddns -c /etc/phlinux.conf -d
Peanuthull Linux-core 2.0 by oray.com, copyright 2011 Peanuthull Linux-core Help --first-run -f, run for the first time 用于首次启动时配置参数
-i, run as interactive mode program will request for necessary parameters. this mode will automatically enabled at first running, or your configuration file has been lost. 启动交互模式
-d, run as a daemon program will quit after put itself to background, and continue running even you logout, you can use kill -9 <PID> to terminate. 后台模式
-c, run with configuration file program will run with the file 指定使用哪一个配置文件
-u, run as the user program will run as the user 以指定用户启动后台进程
-h, print this screen. Please visit http://www.oray.com for detail.
花生壳日志保存路径 /var/log/phddns.log
[root@localhost ~]# tail /var/log/phddns.log 2011/08/02 11:28:58.256| ExecuteUpdate OK, BeginKeepAlive! 2011/08/02 11:29:59.354| SendKeepAlive() 8208 2011/08/02 11:30:00.355| RecvKeepaliveResponse() Data comes, OPCODE:8272 2011/08/02 11:30:00.356| Keepalive response received, client ip: 2011/08/02 11:31:00.447| SendKeepAlive() 8208 2011/08/02 11:31:01.450| RecvKeepaliveResponse() Data comes, OPCODE:8272 2011/08/02 11:31:01.450| Keepalive response received, client ip:
1、安装交叉工具并配置环境 ........ 2、配置参数 ./configure --host=i386-linux --target=mipsel-linux --build=mipsel-linux CXX=mipsel-linux-gcc CC=mipsel-linux-gcc LD=mipsel-linux-ld 3、make 4、最后静态链接下 mipsel-linux-gcc -g -O2 -o phlinux -s main.o phupdate.o PHGlobal.o PHSocket.o md5.o log.o generate.o coder.o blowfish.o bitstream.o base64.o ConvertUTF.o CCmdParser.o PhClient.o PhUpdater.o /opt/openwrt/mipsel-linux/lib/librt.a /opt/openwrt/mipsel-linux/lib/libstdc++.a //opt/openwrt/mipsel-linux/lib/libc.a 5、压缩下(好放到路由器的小空间) upx -o phlinux2 phlinux (责任编辑:IT) |