开源cloudstack的文档给出了centos6上配置cloudstack yum的说明,但是它的centos7 cloudstack yum库却是没有cloudstack的rpm包,无法使用该源。 根据全球最大的cloudstack云服务提供商shapeblue网站上给出的帮助文档 http://www.shapeblue.com/packages/ 可以看到在centos7下进行cloudstack yum源的配置
CentOS7 users can use the following repository:
Import our gpg release key: (Key ID 584DF93F, Key fingerprint = 7203 0CA1 18C1 A275 68B1 37C4 BDF0 E176 584D F93F)
And your repository is ready for use. You may now install any of the available CloudStack packages, for example:
CloudStack Repo
Setup the CloudStack repo by running the following command: echo "[cloudstack] name=cloudstack baseurl=http://packages.shapeblue.com/cloudstack/main/centos/4.4 enabled=1 gpgcheck=1" > /etc/yum.repos.d/cloudstack.repo Import the ShapeBlue gpg release key: (Key ID 584DF93F, Key fingerprint = 7203 0CA1 18C1 A275 68B1 37C4 BDF0 E176 584D F93F) yum install wget -y wget http://packages.shapeblue.com/release.asc sudo rpm --import release.asc