CentOS 7 vs CentOS 6的不同 (1)桌面系统 [CentOS6] GNOME 2.x [CentOS7] GNOME 3.x(GNOME Shell) (2)文件系统 [CentOS6] ext4 [CentOS7] xfs (3)内核版本 [CentOS6] 2.6.x-x [CentOS7] 3.10.x-x (4)启动加载器 [CentOS6] GRUB Legacy (+efibootmgr) [CentOS7] GRUB2 (5)防火墙 [CentOS6] iptables [CentOS7] firewalld (6)默认数据库 [CentOS6] MySQL [CentOS7] MariaDB (7)文件结构 [CentOS6] /bin, /sbin, /lib, and /lib64在/下 [CentOS7] /bin, /sbin, /lib, and /lib64移到/usr下 (8)主机名 [CentOS6] /etc/sysconfig/network [CentOS7] /etc/hostname (9)时间同步 [CentOS6] $ ntp $ ntpq -p [CentOS7] $ chrony $ chronyc sources (10)修改时间 [CentOS6] $ vim /etc/sysconfig/clock ZONE="Asia/Tokyo" UTC=fales $ sudo ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Tokyo /etc/localtime [CentOS7] $ timedatectl set-timezone Asia/Tokyo $ timedatectl status (11)修改地区 [CentOS6] $ vim /etc/sysconfig/i18n LANG="ja_JP.utf8" $ /etc/sysconfig/i18n $ locale [CentOS7] $ localectl set-locale LANG=ja_JP.utf8 $ localectl status (12)服务相关 1)启动停止 [CentOS6] $ service service_name start $ service service_name stop $ service sshd restart/status/reload [CentOS7] $ systemctl start service_name $ systemctl stop service_name $ systemctl restart/status/reload sshd 自启动 [CentOS6] $ chkconfig service_name on/off [CentOS7] $ systemctl enable service_name $ systemctl disable service_name 服务一览 [CentOS6] $ chkconfig --list [CentOS7] $ systemctl list-unit-files $ systemctl --type service 强制停止 [CentOS6] $ kill -9 <PID> [CentOS7] $ systemctl kill --signal=9 sshd (13)网络 1)网络信息 [CentOS6] $ netstat $ netstat -I $ netstat -n [CentOS7] $ ip n $ ip -s l $ ss 2)IP地址MAC地址 [CentOS6] $ ifconfig -a [CentOS7] $ ip address show 3)路由 [CentOS6] $ route -n $ route -A inet6 -n [CentOS7] $ ip route show $ ip -6 route show (14)重启关闭 1)关闭 [CentOS6] $ shutdown -h now [CentOS7] $ poweroff $ systemctl poweroff 2)重启 [CentOS6] $ reboot $ shutdown -r now [CentOS7] $ reboot $ systemctl reboot 3)单用户模式 [CentOS6] $ init S [CentOS7] $ systemctl rescue 4)启动模式 [CentOS6] [GUICUI] $ vim /etc/inittab id:3:initdefault: [CUIGUI] $ startx [CentOS7] [GUICUI] $ systemctl isolate multi-user.target [CUIGUI] $systemctl isolate graphical.target 默认 $ systemctl set-default graphical.target $ systemctl set-default multi-user.target 当前 $ systemctl get-default 参考: http://urashita.com/archives/1538 http://qiita.com/sion_cojp/items/115e1671fcbc8f214aee https://www.upken.jp/kb/cent6-cent7.html http://inaba-serverdesign.jp/blog/20141110/centos7.html (责任编辑:IT) |