How to fix Ubuntu 13.04 alx ethernet driverJust a couple of days ago, I was trying the latest Ubuntu distribution Raring Ringtail 13.04 on my Asus N56VZ laptop using USB stick. The installation went successfully. However, I cannot, for the life of me, connect or register to any wired network using the built-in AR8161 Gigabit Ethernet adapter despite of manually setting the connection parameters (ip address, subnet mask, default gateway, etc). I tried running ifconfig on the terminal and yes, there is eth0 listed and that means the adapter is detected successfully. But it doesn’t work! The problem might be due to the incompatibility of the built-in driver in Ubuntu 13.04 release. So I tried recompiling the driver from here and it works perfectly! Here’s the steps to take:
4. Reboot the system. 网上找了半天,终于还是按照上面的解决了。 |