ERROR: prebuilts/tools/gcc-sdk/../../gcc/linux-x86/host/x86_64-linux-glibc2.7-4.6/bin/x86_64-linux-gcc only run on 64-bit linux make: *** [out/host/linux-x86/obj/STATIC_LIBRARIES/emulator64-target-arm_intermediates/tcg/tcg.o] Error 1 涉及需要改的文件如下: external/qemu/ external/qemu/Makefile.common 问题二:编译时出现如下提示: target Dex: core Error occurred during initialization of VM Could not reserve enough space for object heap Could not create the Java virtual machine. make: *** [out/target/common/obj/JAVA_LIBRARIES/core_intermediates/noproguard.classes-with-local.dex] Error 1 查找build/core/definitions.mk文件发现如下内容: #TODO: use a smaller -Xmx value for most libraries; # only core.jar and framework.jar need a heap this big. # Avoid the memory arguments on Windows, dx fails to load for some reason with them. define transform-classes.jar-to-dex @echo "target Dex: $(PRIVATE_MODULE)" @mkdir -p $(dir $@) $(hide) $(DX) \ $(if $(findstring windows,$(HOST_OS)),,-JXms16M -JXmx2048M) \ --dex --output=$@ \ $(incremental_dex) \ $(if $(NO_OPTIMIZE_DX), \ --no-optimize) \ $(if $(GENERATE_DEX_DEBUG), \ --debug --verbose \ --dump-to=$(@:.dex=.lst) \ --dump-width=1000) \ $(PRIVATE_DX_FLAGS) \ $< endef 由于我的电脑只有2GB的内容,那么上面的2048M肯定满足不了,因为linux分配时还需分配给内核内存,故将该参数调小为1024M。 继续编译还会出现一些关于emulator的错误,而查阅了google官方资料,说是要在64bit系统上编译,换成64位的后,没出现什么错误,编译一切正常。 (责任编辑:IT) |