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时间:2016-12-03 20:39来源:linux.it.net.cn 作者:IT
在Ubuntu 10.04.1上安装VMware Server 2.0的时候报错,网上有人说需要先安装open-vm-tools,现将其安装过程记录下来(找解决办法的过程忽略不计。。。)。
 1. 下载安装包
 2. 解压缩
   tar zxvf open-vm-tools-2010.11.17-327185.tar.gz
  3. 进入解压后的目录
     cd open-vm-tools-2010.11.17-327185
  4. 依据INSTALL中说明进行操作,首先是进行配置
     1) 遇到第一个错误:
    configure: error: glib >= 2.6.0 is required.
        解决办法: apt-get install libglib2.0-dev
   2) 重新执行./configure , 遇到第二个错误:
        configure: error: Cannot find PAM library. Please configure without PAM (using --without-pam), or install the PAM libraries and devel package(s).
     3) 重新执行./configure --without-pam , 遇到第三个错误:
    configure: error: The X11 libraries were not found. Please configure without X11 (using --without-x), or install the libX11 devel package(s).
     4) 重新执行./configure --without-pam --without-x , 遇到第四个错误:
    configure: error: dnet-config was not found on your PATH. Please configure without dnet (using --without-dnet) or install dnet - http://libdnet.sourceforge.net
     5) 重新执行./configure --without-pam --without-x --without-dnet ,遇到第五个错误:
    configure: error: C++ compiler not found. Make sure you have a C++ compiler installed or configure without X11 (using --without-x) and without ICU (using --without-icu).
   6) 重新执行./configure --without-pam --without-x --without-dnet --without-icu
 5. 编译
  6. 安装
     make install
备注:我是以root用户进行的安装 (责任编辑:IT)