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GoAccess 1.0.1 发布,Apache 日志统计

时间:2016-06-20 02:06来源:linux.it.net.cn 作者:IT

GoAccess 1.0.1 发布,此版本更新内容:

  • Added Android version number along with the codename when using --real-os, e.g., 'Lollipop 5.1'.

  • Added some missing headers and function checks to configure.ac.

  • Fixed build issues on systems running GLIBC older than 2.9, such as RHEL <= 5.

  • Fixed a regression where it wouldn't allow abbreviated date and time formats such as %F or %T.


GoAccess 是一个用来统计 Apache Web 服务器的访问日志的工具,速度非常快,可即时生成统计报表。
