nuster 是一个基于 HAProxy 的高性能 HTTP 缓存服务器和 RESTful NoSQL 缓存服务器,既可以用作类似 Varnish 或者 Nginx 那样的 HTTP 缓存服务器,来缓存动态或者静态的 HTTP 资源,也可以用作 RESTful NoSQL 缓存服务器, 用 HTTP POST/GET/DELETE 来 添加 /取得 /删除 Key/Value。 中文 readme: 本次是基于最新 HTX 版的 HAProxy 的全新重新以及重构,带来了很多性能提升,支持客户端和 Proxy,Proxy和后端服务器的 HTTP2 连接等。 A complete refactored version based on HTX version of HAProxy. Lots of changes, updates, improvements, to name a few: Add nuster manager, moved purge-method and uri to manager, support both cache and nosql Update new stats, support both cache and nosql Update purger, add basic and advance purger, support creating key based on rule Add memory on|off, disk on|off|sync, in form of backend store, more easier to add new store Create new key, avoided redundant compuating, improved performance Unified lots of components (责任编辑:IT) |