方法一: 解决方法: 在终端输入命令: setsebool ftpd_disable_trans 1 service vsftpd restart 回车就可以了。网络太强大。 方法二: I had the same problem recently, I also got the message: 500 OOPS: failed to open xferlog log file:/var/log/xferlog This is what I did: Open a terminal Switch to root using su - service vsftpd stop Wait for the message: Shutting down vsftpd: [ OK ] After this I removed the log file rm /var/log/vsftpd.log Type "y" for the question: rm: remove regular file `/var/log/vsftpd.log'? service vsftpd start After I did this everything worked OK. vsftpd created a new log file in /var/log/ and it logged every upload/download. I hope this have helped you. (责任编辑:IT) |