#vi /var/www/ftp/config.php
$LANG = "Chinese"; // See the directory language for the available languages.
$LocationImages = "images"; // Location of images
$DBHost = "mysql数据库ip地址"; // Ip-address of MySQL server
// (Don<92>t change this if you are using the default database)
$DBLogin = "登录mysql账号"; // Username of MySQL user
$DBPassword = "登录mysql密码"; // Password of MySQL user
$DBDatabase = "ftp虚拟账号数据库名"; // Name of database
$FTPAddress = "pureftp所在服务器ip:21"; // Domain name or ip-address of your ftp server
$DEFUserID = "你所创建的针对ftp账号的UID"; // nobody // Default user id of virtual ftp user.
$DEFGroupID = "你所创建的针对ftp账号的UID"; // guest // Default group is of virtual ftp user.
$UsersFile = "/etc/passwd"; // The unix user file
$GroupFile = "/etc/group"; // The unix group file
$StyleSheet = "style/default.css.php"; // The location of the style sheet
$EnableQuota = 1; // Enable virtual quota's (0=Off 1=On)