由于公司网站很多,要是手动做nginx日志切割就会很繁杂,不如弄些shell脚本实现半自动处理。 首先,统一设置各站点的日志文件格式 # vi domain.sh #!/bin/sh sed -i '/access_log/d' /usr/local/nginx/vhost/*.conf #### change path to /usr/local/nginx/vhost and use the command to get the DOMAIN_LIST : ### ls -lh *.conf |awk '{print $9}'|sed 's/$/ \/' > domain.txt #### DOMAIN_LIST=( bbs.elecfans.com.conf cdnimg.xianbey.com.conf c.elecfans.com.conf ...... common.qbaobei.com.conf elecfans.com.conf ) DOMAIN_ALL_LEN=${#DOMAIN_LIST} i=0 while [ $i -lt $DOMAIN_ALL_LEN ] do sed -i "/server_name/ a access_log logs/access.${DOMAIN_LIST[$i]}.log main;" /usr/local/nginx/vhost/${DOMAIN_LIST[$i]} let i++ done 接着测试下nginx的配置有没错误 # /etc/init.d/nginx test ## 如果没有错误就reload下nginx,有错那就检查配置吧 ## # /etc/init.d/nginx reload 按日期轮循切割nginx日志 [root@]# vi Cut_nginx_error_log.sh #!/bin/sh ## Cut Nginx Error Log ## LOGS_PATH=/usr/local/nginx/logs YESTERDAY=$(date -d "yesterday" +%Y-%m-%d) mv ${LOGS_PATH}/error.log ${LOGS_PATH}/error_${YESTERDAY}.log kill -USR1 $(cat /usr/local/nginx/logs/nginx.pid)
[root@]# vi Cut_nginx_log.sh #!/bin/sh ## Cut Nginx Log ## ### use the follow command to get th ACCESS_LOG_LIST: ### sed 's/conf/&.log/' domain.txt > log.txt ### sed 's/^/access.&/' log.txt >> ng_log.txt ### LOGS_PATH=/usr/local/nginx/logs YESTERDAY=`date -d "yesterday" +%Y-%m-%d` ACCESS_LOG_LIST=( access.log access.bbs.elecfans.com.conf.log access.cdnimg.xianbey.com.conf.log ...... access.c.elecfans.com.conf.log access.common.qbaobei.com.conf.log access.elecfans.com.conf.log ) ACCESS_LOG_ALL_LEN=${#ACCESS_LOG_LIST} i=0 while [ $i -lt $ACCESS_LOG_ALL_LEN ] do mv ${LOGS_PATH}/${ACCESS_LOG_LIST[$i]} ${LOGS_PATH}/${ACCESS_LOG_LIST[$i]}.${YESTERDAY}.log let i++ done kill -USR1 `cat /usr/local/nginx/logs/nginx.pid` 删除日志 [root@]# vi Del_nginx_log.sh #!/bin/sh #Delete Nginx Log LOGS_PATH=/usr/local/nginx/logs YESTERDAY=$(date -d "-3day" +%Y-%m-%d) rm -rf ${LOGS_PATH}/access*.conf.log.${YESTERDAY}.log rm -rf ${LOGS_PATH}/error_${YESTERDAY}.log 设置crontab定时任务 [root@]# crontab -e 00 00 * * * /bin/bash /usr/local/nginx/sbin/Cut_nginx_log.sh 00 00 * * * /bin/bash /usr/local/nginx/sbin/Cut_nginx_error_log.sh 00 18 * * * /bin/bash /usr/local/nginx/sbin/Del_nginx_log.sh 如此便可
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