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软件包工具软件 APT 1.1 已经发布

时间:2015-08-28 03:05来源:linux.it.net.cn 作者:IT

APT(全称:Advanced Package Tool 高级软件包工具)Debian、Ubuntu 及衍生版本默认的软件包管理器,该软件再次更新,版本为 1.1。

从 1.0 开始收到的新功能列表:

  • apt list displays the installed and upgradable packages, similar output dpkg -l
  • apt search searches in the  local repositories for packages, similar to apt-cache search, but displays the packages in alphabetical order
  • apt show displays information about packages, like apt-cache show, but displays a simplified output
  • apt update updates the local repository index, like apt-get update, but displays colored output
  • apt install installs packages from th repositories like apt-get install, but adds a progress bar
  • apt remove installs packages from th repositories like apt-get remove, but adds a progress bar
  • apt full-upgrade does the same as apt-get dist-upgrade
  • apt edit-sources opens the /etc/apt/sources.list file, in the default editor.

1.1 版本的变化,点击这里。


sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deity/sid
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install apt
