shell脚本查杀子进程、僵尸进程,递归找到导致进程僵死的最底层子进程并杀除。 对于大量的僵尸进程,最初写了一个根据关键字查杀进程的linux shell脚本,很多时候进程死在那里,其实是内部调用子进程出现了问题,只靠杀父进程根本没解决根本问题。 比如说rsync的时候通过ssh来连接,rsync本身没问题,但可能ssh死掉了。 因此重新写了脚本,递归查找子进程。
(责任编辑:IT)# 递归找到导致进程僵死的最底层子进程并杀除. ParentProcessID=$1; if [ "x${ParentProcessID}" = "x" ] ; then echo "Please Supply the top Parent Process ID to be killed!" echo "Usage:sh $0 PID [-v]" echo "PID The Parent Process ID as root" echo "-v is this argument supplied,no real kill operation will be performed,only process tree be show." exit 1 fi let IsRealKillDo=1; if [ "x$2" = "x-v" ] ; then let IsRealKillDo=0; fi echo "Begin Kill the Leaf Process of process ${ParentProcessID}" >&2 killpidList="" function loopNextSubProcess(){ local nParentProcessID=$1 local tmpPidList="" tmpPidList=`ps -A --format='%p%PisParent' --width 2048 -w --sort pid|grep "${nParentProcessID}isParent"|grep -v grep|grep -v "$$" | awk '{ printf $1 }'` ps --format='%p%P%a' --width 2048 -w -p ${nParentProcessID}|grep -v grep|grep -v "$$" >&2 if [ "x${tmpPidList}" = "x" ] ; then echo "****Got One Leaf = [${nParentProcessID}]****" >&2 killpidList="${killpidList}\n${nParentProcessID}" return fi for theNextPid in ${tmpPidList} ; do loopNextSubProcess ${theNextPid} done } loopNextSubProcess ${ParentProcessID} if [ ${IsRealKillDo} -eq 1 -a "x${killpidList}" != "x" ] ; then for curpid in `echo -e ${killpidList}` ; do if [ "x${curpid}" != "x" ] ; then echo "kill -9 ${curpid}" kill -9 ${curpid} fi done else echo -e ${killpidList} fi |