1. Differentiate between TRUNCATE and DELETE 2. What is the maximum buffer size that can be specified using the DBMS_OUTPUT.ENABLE function? 3. Can you use a commit statement within a database trigger? 4. What is an UTL_FILE.What are differ...
这里的回答并不是十分全面,这些问题可以通过多个角度来进行解释,也许你不必在面试过程中给出完全详尽的答案,只需要通过你的解答使面试考官了解你对ORACLE概念的熟悉程度。 1. 解释冷备份和热备份的不同点以及各自的优点 解答:热备份针对归档模式的数据库...
q. 1 : physical disk resources in an oracle database are 1. control files 2. redo log files 3. data files 4. all of the above 4 q. 2 : what is a schema 1. a physical organization of objects in the database 2. a logical organization of objec...
一、选择题 1、Oracle存储结构正确的是() A. tablespacesegmentosblockblock B. tablespacesegmentextentblock C. tablespace extent segmentblock D. tablespace extent block segment 2、表EMPLOYEES结构为 ( EMPLOYEE_IDNUMBER(6) not null primary key,...
客户表a(id name address) 登陆流水表b(id time) 购物流水表c(id time productid productnum) 1.求每个客户的最新登陆时间time姓名name客户id? 2.查最新登陆并且已经购买商品的客户idname登陆的时间time(一条sql语句) 一个表student中有班级classid学号id成...
1. How many memory layers are in the shared pool? 2. How do you find out from the RMAN catalog if a particular archive log has been backed-up? 3. How can you tell how much space is left on a given file system and how much space each of t...
1. 解释冷备份和热备份的不同点以及各自的优点 解答:热备份针对归档模式的数据库,在数据库仍旧处于工作状态时进行备份。而冷备份指在数据库关闭后,进行备份,适用于所有模式的 数据库。热备份的优点在于当备份时,数据库仍旧可以被使用并且可以将数据库恢...
综合随意类 1:你最擅长的是Oracle哪部分? pl/sql及sql优化 2:喜欢oracle吗?喜欢上论坛吗?或者偏好oracle的哪一部分? 喜欢,sql的优化 3:随意说说你觉得oracle最有意思的部分或者最困难的部分 latch free的处理 4:为何要选择做DBA呢? 兴趣所在...
26. Database is hung. Old and new user connections alike hang on impact. What do you do? Your SYS SQLPLUS session IS able to connect. 27. Database crashes. Corruption is found scattered among the file system neither of your doing nor of O...
1.解释FUNCTION,PROCEDURE和PACKAGE区别 答:function 和procedure是PL/SQL代码的集合,通常为了完成一个任务。procedure 不需要返回任何值而function将返回一个值在另一方面,Package是为了完成一个商业功能的一组function和procedure的集合。 2.取某个...