配置GitLab域名,否则项目git clone的地址时错 vim /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb 编辑:external_url 你的网址 例如:external_url 编辑完成后,再sudo gitlab-ctl reconfigure一下,使配置生效...
vim /opt/gitlab/embedded/service/gitlab-rails/config/gitlab.yml ## GitLab settings gitlab: ## Web server settings (note: host is the FQDN, do not include http://) host: localhost 这里改为主机的IP即可 port: 80 https: false # Uncommment this...
一、gitlab搭建的硬件要求: 建议阿里云服务器的配置为:最低2核4G内存; 最优4核8G 之前搜了很多资源,有的说1核1G就够用了,有的说很耗硬件配置。自己试了下:先用的阿里云1核1G 的服务器搭建,搭建过程中就报错,以失败而告终。后来升级了服务器配置到2核4...
GitLab基本介绍 GitLab是利用Ruby on Rails一个开源的版本管理系统,实现一个自托管的Git项目仓库,可通过Web界面进行访问公开的或者私人项目。 与Github类似,GitLab能够浏览源代码,管理缺陷和注释。可以管理团队对仓库的访问,它非常易于浏览提交过的版本...
架构:源码安装, 数据库用mysql,网站用nginx 坑一.nginx报错 2016/07/19 09:26:11 [crit] 3881#0: *10 connect() to unix:/home/git/gitlab/tmp/sockets/gitlab-workhorse.socket failed (13: Permission denied) while connecting to upstream, client: 192....
How to reset your root password Log into your server with root privileges. Then start a Ruby on Rails console. Start the console with this command: gitlab-rails console production Wait until the console has loaded. There are multiple ways...