时间:2015-10-10 11:28 来源 作者:IT
call flexviews.CREATE('demo',
select @mvid := last_insert_id();
call flexviews.add_table(@mvid, 'demo', 'orders', 'o', 'USING(CustomerId)');
v_mview_id - The materialized view id (see flexviews.get_id)
v_table_schema - The schema which contains the table to add
v_table_name - The name of the table to add
v_table_alias - The table alias to use in the view. All tables MUST have an alias.
v_join_clause - Every table after the first must have a NOT-NULL join clause
call flexviews.enable(@mvid);
1、基本api //第一步:创建物化视图
call flexviews.CREATE('demo', ----------数据库、视图名称、刷新类型(增量刷新)
//获取视图id select @mvid := last_insert_id(); //第二步:增加表,where条件用到 call flexviews.add_table(@mvid, 'demo', 'orders', 'o', 'USING(CustomerId)'); -----视图id,数据库名称、表名称、表别名,条件