时间:2016-05-07 14:15 来源 作者:IT
1,run-->cmd->cd C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.5\bin
2, mysql -uXXXX -pXXXXXX
SET GLOBAL event_scheduler = ON;
SET @@global.event_scheduler = ON;
SET GLOBAL event_scheduler = 1;
SET @@global.event_scheduler = 1;
Similarly, any of these 4 statements can be used to turn off the Event Scheduler:
SET GLOBAL event_scheduler = OFF;
SET @@global.event_scheduler = OFF;
SET GLOBAL event_scheduler = 0;
SET @@global.event_scheduler = 0;
5,create procedure
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Routine DDL
-- Note: comments before and after the routine body will not be stored by the server
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `Get_Info_Every_Day`()
Declare pIntSumTotalAction int;
Declare pIntSumNoduedate int;
Declare pIntSumClosed int;
Declare pIntSumForinfo int;
Declare pIntSumOverdue int;
Declare pIntSumTBDin1Week int;
Declare pIntSumTBDafter1Week int;
Declare pIntSumPendingJPMO int;
Declare pIntSumEPS int;
Declare pIntSumWCI int;
Declare pIntSumOnTimeClosed int;
Declare pIntTotal int; ##统计的时候所有的action items
Declare strStatus varchar(40);
Declare dDuedate datetime;
Declare dClosedDate datetime;
Declare nOverdue int;
Declare nCountOnTime int; ##nIsOnTime count(*)数量
declare fetchSeqOk boolean; ## define the flag for loop judgement
Declare my_cursor cursor for select b.status,b.duedate,b.closedate,datediff(now(),b.duedate) as overdue,
b.fk_actionitem from actionitem a,actionitemdetail b where a.id_actionitem=b.fk_actionitem and a.finishdate=0
and status<>'forinfo' and (actionby like '%WEC%' or actionby like '%Consortium%' );
Declare my_cursor cursor for select b.status,b.duedate,b.closedate,datediff(now(),b.duedate) as overdue
from actionitem a,actionitemdetail b where a.id_actionitem=b.fk_actionitem and a.finishdate=0
and status<>'forinfo' and (actionby like '%WEC%' or actionby like '%Consortium%' );
Declare my_cursor2 cursor for select cast(count(*) as UNSIGNED) as lnOnTimeClosedAI from actionitemdetail
where datediff(now(),duedate)<=7 and datediff(now(),duedate)>=0
and (actionby like '%WEC%' or actionby like '%Consortium%' )
and status='Closed' and datediff(closedate,duedate)<0 order by duedate;
declare continue handler for not found set fetchSeqOk = true;
set pIntSumTotalAction=0;
set pIntSumNoduedate=0;
set pIntSumClosed=0;
set pIntSumForinfo=0;
set pIntSumOverdue=0;
set pIntSumTBDin1Week=0;
set pIntSumTBDafter1Week=0;
set pIntSumPendingJPMO=0;
set pIntSumEPS=0;
set pIntSumWCI=0;
set fetchSeqOk = false;
declare continue handler for NOT FOUND set fetchSeqOk = true; #define the continue handler for not found flag
set fetchSeqOk = false;
open fetchSeqCursor;
fetch fetchSeqCursor into _seqname, _value;
if fetchSeqOk then
leave fetchSeqLoop;
select _seqname, _value;
end if;
end Loop;
close fetchSeqCursor;
open my_cursor;
fetch my_cursor into strStatus,dDuedate,dClosedDate,nOverdue;
if fetchSeqOk then
leave fetchLoop;
if LOWER(strStatus)='open' then
case nOverdue
when isnull(nOverdue) then set pIntSumNoduedate=pIntSumNoduedate+1;
when nOverdue>0 then set pIntSumOverdue=pIntSumOverdue+1 ;
when nOverdue<=0 and nOverdue>-7 then set pIntSumTBDin1Week=pIntSumTBDin1Week+1;
else set pIntSumTBDafter1Week=pIntSumTBDafter1Week+1;
end case;
case LOWER(strStatus)
when 'closed' then set pIntSumClosed=pIntSumClosed+1;
when 'forinfo' then set pIntSumForinfo=pIntSumForinfo+1;
when 'pending jpmo' then set pIntSumPendingJPMO=pIntSumPendingJPMO+1;
when 'escalated to pcc for support' then set pIntSumEPS=pIntSumEPS+1;
when 'waiting for customer input' then set pIntSumWCI=pIntSumWCI+1;
end case;
end if;
end if;
close my_cursor;
set pIntTotal=pIntSumTBDafter1Week+pIntSumOverdue+pIntSumTBDin1Week+pIntSumNoduedate+pIntSumPendingJPMO+pIntSumEPS+pIntSumWCI+pIntSumClosed;
/*** 统计从当前日期向前推7天的committed closed情况
nCountOnTime 表示count of on time closed number
set fetchSeqOk = false;
open my_cursor2;
fetch my_cursor2 into nCountOnTime;
if fetchSeqOk then
leave my_loop;
set pIntSumOnTimeClosed=nCountOnTime;
end if;
end Loop;
close my_cursor2;
insert into mytest(testdate)value(now());
insert into daily_statistic(Total,Open,overdue,DueWithin7Days,PTP,NoDueDate,PendingJPMO,EPS,WCI,Closed)
insert into daily_statistic(Total,Open,overdue,DueWithin7Days,PTP,NoDueDate,PendingJPMO,EPS,WCI,Closed)values
6,create event
use cddl;
DROP EVENT IF EXISTS e_statistics_daily;
CREATE EVENT e_statistics_daily
STARTS '2013-10-18 16:45:00'
on completion preserve
DO CALL Get_Info_Every_Day();
7, testing whether it is having the value or not
select * from daily_statistic;
1,run-->cmd->cd C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.5\bin 2, mysql -uXXXX -pXXXXXX 3, SHOW FULL PROCESSLIST\G 4,设置sheduler SET GLOBAL event_scheduler = ON; SET @@global.event_scheduler = ON; SET GLOBAL event_scheduler = 1; SET @@global.event_scheduler = 1; Similarly, any of these 4 statements can be used to turn off the Event Scheduler: SET GLOBAL event_scheduler = OFF; SET @@global.event_scheduler = OFF; SET GLOBAL event_scheduler = 0; SET @@global.event_scheduler = 0; 5,create procedure -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Routine DDL -- Note: comments before and after the routine body will not be stored by the server -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DELIMITER $$ CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `Get_Info_Every_Day`() BEGIN Declare pIntSumTotalAction int; Declare pIntSumNoduedate int; Declare pIntSumClosed int; Declare pIntSumForinfo int; Declare pIntSumOverdue int; Declare pIntSumTBDin1Week int; Declare pIntSumTBDafter1Week int; Declare pIntSumPendingJPMO int; Declare pIntSumEPS int; Declare pIntSumWCI int; Declare pIntSumOnTimeClosed int; Declare pIntTotal int; ##统计的时候所有的action items Declare strStatus varchar(40); Declare dDuedate datetime; Declare dClosedDate datetime; Declare nOverdue int; Declare nCountOnTime int; ##nIsOnTime count(*)数量 declare fetchSeqOk boolean; ## define the flag for loop judgement /* Declare my_cursor cursor for select b.status,b.duedate,b.closedate,datediff(now(),b.duedate) as overdue, b.fk_actionitem from actionitem a,actionitemdetail b where a.id_actionitem=b.fk_actionitem and a.finishdate=0 and status<>'forinfo' and (actionby like '%WEC%' or actionby like '%Consortium%' ); */ Declare my_cursor cursor for select b.status,b.duedate,b.closedate,datediff(now(),b.duedate) as overdue from actionitem a,actionitemdetail b where a.id_actionitem=b.fk_actionitem and a.finishdate=0 and status<>'forinfo' and (actionby like '%WEC%' or actionby like '%Consortium%' ); Declare my_cursor2 cursor for select cast(count(*) as UNSIGNED) as lnOnTimeClosedAI from actionitemdetail where datediff(now(),duedate)<=7 and datediff(now(),duedate)>=0 and (actionby like '%WEC%' or actionby like '%Consortium%' ) and status='Closed' and datediff(closedate,duedate)<0 order by duedate; declare continue handler for not found set fetchSeqOk = true; set pIntSumTotalAction=0; set pIntSumNoduedate=0; set pIntSumClosed=0; set pIntSumForinfo=0; set pIntSumOverdue=0; set pIntSumTBDin1Week=0; set pIntSumTBDafter1Week=0; set pIntSumPendingJPMO=0; set pIntSumEPS=0; set pIntSumWCI=0; set fetchSeqOk = false; /* declare continue handler for NOT FOUND set fetchSeqOk = true; #define the continue handler for not found flag set fetchSeqOk = false; open fetchSeqCursor; fetchSeqLoop:Loop fetch fetchSeqCursor into _seqname, _value; if fetchSeqOk then leave fetchSeqLoop; else select _seqname, _value; end if; end Loop; close fetchSeqCursor; */ open my_cursor; fetchLoop:LOOP fetch my_cursor into strStatus,dDuedate,dClosedDate,nOverdue; if fetchSeqOk then leave fetchLoop; else if LOWER(strStatus)='open' then case nOverdue when isnull(nOverdue) then set pIntSumNoduedate=pIntSumNoduedate+1; when nOverdue>0 then set pIntSumOverdue=pIntSumOverdue+1 ; when nOverdue<=0 and nOverdue>-7 then set pIntSumTBDin1Week=pIntSumTBDin1Week+1; else set pIntSumTBDafter1Week=pIntSumTBDafter1Week+1; end case; else case LOWER(strStatus) when 'closed' then set pIntSumClosed=pIntSumClosed+1; when 'forinfo' then set pIntSumForinfo=pIntSumForinfo+1; when 'pending jpmo' then set pIntSumPendingJPMO=pIntSumPendingJPMO+1; when 'escalated to pcc for support' then set pIntSumEPS=pIntSumEPS+1; when 'waiting for customer input' then set pIntSumWCI=pIntSumWCI+1; end case; end if; end if; End LOOP; close my_cursor; set pIntTotal=pIntSumTBDafter1Week+pIntSumOverdue+pIntSumTBDin1Week+pIntSumNoduedate+pIntSumPendingJPMO+pIntSumEPS+pIntSumWCI+pIntSumClosed; /*** 统计从当前日期向前推7天的committed closed情况 nCountOnTime 表示count of on time closed number */ set fetchSeqOk = false; open my_cursor2; my_loop:Loop fetch my_cursor2 into nCountOnTime; if fetchSeqOk then leave my_loop; else set pIntSumOnTimeClosed=nCountOnTime; end if; end Loop; close my_cursor2; insert into mytest(testdate)value(now()); insert into daily_statistic(Total,Open,overdue,DueWithin7Days,PTP,NoDueDate,PendingJPMO,EPS,WCI,Closed) values(pIntTotal,pIntSumTBDafter1Week,pIntSumOverdue,pIntSumTBDin1Week,pIntSumOnTimeClosed,pIntSumNoduedate, pIntSumPendingJPMO,pIntSumEPS,pIntSumWCI,pIntSumClosed); /* insert into daily_statistic(Total,Open,overdue,DueWithin7Days,PTP,NoDueDate,PendingJPMO,EPS,WCI,Closed)values (pIntTotal,pIntSumTBDafter1Week,pIntSumOverdue,pIntSumTBDin1Week,10,pIntSumNoduedate, pIntSumPendingJPMO,pIntSumEPS,pIntSumWCI,pIntSumClosed); */ END 6,create event use cddl; DROP EVENT IF EXISTS e_statistics_daily; CREATE EVENT e_statistics_daily ON SCHEDULE EVERY 1 Day STARTS '2013-10-18 16:45:00' on completion preserve DO CALL Get_Info_Every_Day(); 7, testing whether it is having the value or not select * from daily_statistic; (责任编辑:IT) |