Centos 7.1 install Common software netcat
时间:2016-05-21 11:49 来源:linux.it.net.cn 作者:IT
Centos install common soft
1. install ifconfig
yum search ifconfig
yum install net-tools.x86_64
2. install vim
yum search vim
yum install vim-enhanced
3. install wget
[libin@centos-linux-1 x]$ yum search wget
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
* base: mirrors.skyshe.cn
* extras: mirrors.163.com
* updates: mirrors.163.com
============================================================================================ N/S matched: wget =============================================================================================
wget.x86_64 : A utility for retrieving files using the HTTP or FTP protocols
Name and summary matches only, use"search all"for everything.
[libin@centos-linux-1 x]$ yum install wget.x86_64
4. install git
yum search git
yum install git.x86_64
default,git havn't color, you can use under cmd give git add color
$ git config --global color.status auto
$ git config --global color.diff auto
$ git config --global color.branch auto
$ git config --global color.interactive auto
5. install netcat
yum search netcat
yum install nmap-ncat.x86_64
Centos install common soft 1. install ifconfig
2. install vim
3. install wget
4. install git
default,git havn't color, you can use under cmd give git add color
5. install netcat
(责任编辑:IT) |