XenCenter 挂载新硬盘
时间:2016-05-26 23:43 来源:linux.it.net.cn 作者:IT
How to attch the new local HDD to XenServer
use following command to add additional storage repositories
xe sr-create name-label="Local storage 1" shared=false device-config-device=/dev/sdb type=lvm
(change /dev/sdb to your new partitions/disks (hdb1, sda1 sdb1)
additional infos for remove:
xe pbd-list
xe pbd-unplug uuid=93507256-3d27-1a88-069d-99ae42e22c0b
xe sr-forget uuid=8732a849-a6dc-ec01-2689-cdb9d44dbe14
xe sr-destroy uuid=8732a849-a6dc-ec01-2689-cdb9d44dbe14
How to attch the new local HDD to XenServer
(责任编辑:IT) |