> Ubuntu >

Install μTorrent (uTorrent) on Ubuntu 14.04

µTorrent is a closed source BitTorrent client owned by BitTorrent Inc, It is the most widely used BitTorrent client next to Xunlei. The µTorrent is designed to use minimal computer resources while offering functionality comparable to larger BitTorrent clients such as Vuze or BitComet and also it provides performance, stability, and support for older hardware and versions of operating system.It is available for Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X. A µTorrent Server is available for Linux. Here is the step by step guide to setup µTorrent server on Ubuntu 14.04.

Open Terminal ( Ctrl + Alt + T ).

Install libssl.

raj@itzgeek~/$ sudo apt-get update
raj@itzgeek~/$ sudo apt-get install libssl1.0.0 libssl-dev

Download the Latest version of µTorrent server from the official website or simply enter the following command to download the current version (3.3)

### 32 bit ###

raj@itzgeek~/$ wget http://download-new.utorrent.com/endpoint/utserver/os/linux-i386-ubuntu-13-04/track/beta/ -O utserver.tar.gz

### 64 bit ###

raj@itzgeek~/$ wget http://download-new.utorrent.com/endpoint/utserver/os/linux-x64-ubuntu-13-04/track/beta/ -O utserver.tar.gz

Extract the downloaded file in to /opt directory

raj@itzgeek~/$ sudo tar -zxvf utserver.tar.gz -C /opt/

Give the permission to the extracted directory for running the uTorrent Server.

raj@itzgeek~/$ sudo chmod 777 /opt/utorrent-server-alpha-v3_3/

Link uTorrent Server to /usr/bin/ directory.

raj@itzgeek~/$ sudo ln -s /opt/utorrent-server-alpha-v3_3/utserver /usr/bin/utserver

Start uTorrent Server by executing the following command.

raj@itzgeek~/$ utserver -settingspath /opt/utorrent-server-alpha-v3_3/

Once you run the command, leave the terminal as it is. Navigate your web browser to the following address.


User name is admin and leave the password field empty.

Screen Shot of uTorrent running.

Utorrent on Ubuntu 14.04
Utorrent on Ubuntu 14.04

If you do not want to start the utorrent manually, you can look at configuring utorrent to start system startup.

That’s all!
