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黑客们让 Linux 回归 PS3

时间:2014-08-31 02:33来源:linux.it.net.cn 作者:it
 “事情是因一个名叫George Hotz的年轻人研究PS3(PlayStation 3),试图以一种让索尼不舒服的方式获得对机器的访问的而引起的。鉴于此,索尼在一个强制升级中移除了PS3的OtherOS功能。黑客社区对此索尼此行 不满,引发了一场冷战。然而,PS3黑客又一次占了上风:Linux再次回归PS3。”
    With PSN still down, hackers return Linux to the PlayStation 3
    By Ben Kuchera | Published May 6, 2011 11:55 AMLast updated May 6, 2011 12:27 PM
    It all began when a young man named George Hotz began to work on the PlayStation 3, trying to gain access to the machine in a way that made Sony uncomfortable. In response, Sony removed the OtherOS functionality of the PlayStation 3 in a mandatory update, and the hacking community was not happy with this decision, resulting in a sort of cold war. PS3 hackers have once again gained the upper hand: Linux has been returned to the PlayStation 3.
    There are a few limitations in terms of the models you can use to access this new custom firmware, but now you'll be able to use Linux with the full support of the hardware, without Sony setting up arbitrary barriers. Here are the features supported:
    Into HV integrated OtherOS bootloader loader (compatible with OtherOS bootloader on 3.15)
    OtherOS bootloader is booted directly from HV, no GameOS is involved.
    Process of booting OtherOS bootloader loader is very similar to 3.15 method
    Booting Linux from HDD/USB/BD/Network
    Linux with GameOS rights
    Full access to all HV SS services (Dispatcher Manager) from GameOS or Linux
    Full access to all System Manager services
    Ability to create/modify/remove repository nodes in LPAR 1 (e.g. with ps3dm-utils or ps3hvc-utils)。
    This ability gives you much power over the whole system because many layers of PS3 use repository nodes to exchange information.
    Enabled QA mode in Update Manager
    Downgrading without USB dongle or Service Mode
    Ability to deactivate/activate HDD/VFLASH encryption (e.g. with ps3stor-utils)
    Support for ps3-utils. You can flash new OtherOS bootloader from Linux e.g.
    Enabling Linux support is not an easy process, and it's certainly not optimized for people who aren't already well-versed in this sort of thing, but it's out, it's freely available, and it improves on the original implementation of the OtherOS functionality.
    Sony is still bleeding from its wounds, and this is just twisting the knife in a little deeper. A quote at the top of the page, directed at Sony, sums it up: "My hardware, my rules. I brought back what you took away." (责任编辑:IT)