NetSarang Xshell 是一个极好用的免费 SSH 客户端,可以作为 Telnet、Rlogin、SSH、SFTP、Serial 等协议的安全终端模拟软件,让你轻松管理远程主机。
军哥也大力推荐 Xshell,其特色功能包括标签化管理远程会话、动态端口转发、自定义键盘映射、VB脚本支持、完全的 Unicode 支持等。
另据 xerr 评测,XShell 比之前介绍的 SecureCRT 更好用些,主要表现在 Xshell 的 Screen 会话不闪屏,而且可以回滚;Script 的执行顺序可以调整;可以同时发送指令到多个 session;支持布局切换等。
使用说明:已经作成便携版,直接运行 XshellPortable.exe 即可,2013/3/17 更新版本为 Xshell 4 Build 0125 (4.0.0125) 简体中文绿色版,从 0122 版本开始,Xshell 开始有了官方简体中文和繁体中文版本。
本便携版不支持自定义会话文件夹路径,始终保存 DataSettingsSessions 文件夹下,请尽量不要修改,以免出错;如果之前使用过我做的便携版,可以重新配置,或者把 Sessions 手动转移到 DataSettingsSessions 目录。
Xshell is a powerful terminal emulator that supports SSH, SFTP, TELNET, RLOGIN and SERIAL.Xshell offers many user friendly features including Zmodem file upload by drag and drop, Zmodem file download by selecting the file name, simple mode, full screen mode, transparency option and custom layout mode.

Xshell 4 Build 0125 更新日志:
ADD: Tunneling auto retry
ADD: Connect with session title in address bar
ADD: Tracking event algorithm exchange list output
FIX: When all simultaneously operating sessions are disconnected, only last session can be reconnected.
FIX: Session tab name starts with COM1.
FIX: During ASCII transfer, if ESC button is pressed, message box is not visible.
FIX: In some languages, local shell command output text is garbled
FIX: When opening multiple sessions at once, during confirmation process, if ESC key is pressed, dies.
FIX: Unable to add option to move between tabs with user defined keys.
FIX: In session windows, if folder name is modified using capital/lowercased letters, session window does not respond immediately.
FIX: If Connection Folder�s folder name consists of `.` then connection window does not appear correctly.
FIX: With menu hidden, during full screen if returned, menu appears.
FIX: In SFTP session tab, Ctrl+Tab, Shift+Tab does not work.
FIX: In find, if search direction is modified, dies.
FIX: In Xtransport results window, while focus is set to the list, if ESC key is pressed, window disappears.
FIX: …during installation process, select language selection window does not appear.
NetSarang Xshell 下载信息
注意:若运行报错,如提示应用程序配置错误,则手动安装 VC 运行库。
(责任编辑:IT) |