一段shell脚本,用来创建mysql数据库,远程主机连接的用户名与密码、数据库用户权限等。 以下脚本用来创建mysql数据库,包括远程主机连接的用户名、密码。
# shell脚本,创建 mysql数据库、用户名、密码。 # 也可以同时添加用户权限。 #----------------------------- _db="$1" _user="$2" _pass="$3" _dbremotehost="$4" _dbrights="$5" ## Path to mysql bins ## mysql="/usr/bin/mysql" ## Mysql root settings ## _madminuser='root' _madminpwd='MySQL-PassWord' _mhost='localhost' # make sure we get at least 3 args, else die [[ $# -le 2 ]] && { echo "Usage: $0 'DB_Name' 'DB_USER' 'DB_PASSORD' ['remote1|remote2|remoteN'] ['DB_RIGHTS']"; exit 1; } # fallback to ALL rights [[ -z "${_dbrights}" ]] && _dbrights="ALL" # build mysql queries _uamq="${mysql} -u "${_madminuser}" -h "${_mhost}" -p'${_madminpwd}' -e 'CREATE DATABASE ${_db};'" _upermq1="${mysql} -u "${_madminuser}" -h "${_mhost}" -p'${_madminpwd}' -e \"GRANT ${_dbrights} ON ${_db}.* TO ${_user}@localhost IDENTIFIED BY '${_pass}';\"" # run mysql queries $_uamq $_upermq1 # read remote host ip in a bash loop # build queires to grant permission to all remote webserver or hosts via ip using the same username IFS='|' for i in ${_dbremotehost} do _upermq2="${mysql} -u "${_madminuser}" -h "${_mhost}" -p'${_madminpwd}' -e \"GRANT ${_dbrights} ON ${_db}.* TO ${_user}@${i} IDENTIFIED BY '${_pass}';\"" $_upermq2 done 脚本使用方法:
./script.sh test_db test123 123456
./script.sh test_db test123 123456 '|'
./script.sh test_db test123 123456 '|' 'SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE'
(责任编辑:IT) |