题目来源于老男孩空间日志,是一家企业面试题,题目如下: for循环打印下面这句话中字母数不大于6的单词; I am oldboy teacher welcome to oldboy traning class 方法1: 使用数组a,存放文本里的单词;for循环轮询,if判断每一个单词的长度,打印小于等于6的单词; [root@localhost anglea]# cat 1.sh #!/bin/bash #written by mofansheng@2015-10-28 a=(I am oldboy teacher welcome to oldboy traning class) for((i=0;i<${#a[*]};i++)) do if [ ${#a[$i]} -le 6 ] then echo ${a[$i]} fi done 上面的if判断还可以使用expr length判断字符串长度; [root@localhost anglea]# cat 1.sh #!/bin/bash#written by mofansheng@2015-10-28 a=(I am oldboy teacher welcome to oldboy traning class) for((i=0;i<${#a[*]};i++)) do if [ `expr length ${a[$i]}` -le 6 ] then echo ${a[$i]} fi done 数组的另一种方法:直接读取数组里的元素,判断元素的长度; arr=(I am oldboy teacher welcome to oldboy traning class) for file in ${arr[@]} do if [ ${#file} -le 6 ] then echo $file fi done 执行结果如下: [root@localhost anglea]# sh 1.sh I am oldboy to oldboy class 方法2: 使用for循环轮询单词,使用wc -L判断单词长度,并做判断; [root@localhost anglea]# cat 2.sh #!/bin/bash#written by mofansheng@2015-10-28 for f in I am oldboy teacher welcome to oldboy traning class do [ `echo $f|wc -L` -le 6 ] && echo $f done 执行结果如下: [root@localhost anglea]# sh 2.sh I am oldboy to oldboy class 方法3:awk的length用法 [root@localhost anglea]# echo "I am oldboy teacher welcome to oldboy traning class"|awk '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) if(length($i)<=6) print $i}' I am oldboy to oldboy class (责任编辑:IT) |