时间:2020-04-14 18:29 来源:linux.it.net.cn 作者:IT
fkvalidaor.sh是必须在升级之前在客户数据库上运行的脚本。该实用程序检查数据库内的所有数据是否一致,并且没有破坏任何FK约束 。fkvalidaor.sh列出了发现的问题并可以解决这些问题是-使用f开关
用法:fkvalidator.sh [-h] [-s服务器名[-p端口]] [-d数据库] [-u用户名] [-l日志文件] [-f] [-v]
-s SERVERNAME - The database servername for the database (def. localhost)
-p PORT - The database port for the database (def. 5432)
-d DATABASE - The database name (def. engine)
-u USERNAME - The admin username for the database.
-l LOGFILE - The logfile for capturing output (def. fkvalidator.sh.log)
-f - Fix the non consistent data by removing it from DB.
-v - Turn on verbosity (WARNING: lots of output)
-h - This help text.
taskcleaner.sh是用于清理异步任务和相关作业步骤/补偿数据的实用程序。该实用程序可以: 显示
All async tasks
Only Zombie tasks
All tasks
All Zombie tasks
A task related to a given task id
A Zombie task related to a given task id
All tasks related to a given command id
All Zombie tasks related to a given command id
Usage: taskcleaner.sh [-h] [-s server] [-p PORT]] [-d DATABASE] [-u USERNAME] [-l LOGFILE] [-t taskId] [-c commandId]
[-z] [-R] [-C][-J] [-q] [-v]
-s SERVERNAME - The database servername for the database (def.localhost)
-p PORT - The database port for the database (def. 5432)
-d DATABASE - The database name (def.engine)
-u USERNAME - The admin username for the database.
-l LOGFILE - The logfile for capturing output (def.taskcleaner.sh.log)
-t TASK_ID - Removes a task by its Task ID.
-c COMMAND_ID - Removes all tasks related to the given Command Id.
-z - Removes/Displays a Zombie task.
-R - Removes all Zombie tasks.
-C - Clear related compensation entries.
-J - Clear related Job Steps.
-q - Quite mode, do not prompt for confirmation.
-v - Turn on verbosity (WARNING: lots of output)
-h - Help text.
unlock_entity.sh是用于取消放置VM,模板和/或其关联磁盘或特定磁盘 VM的实用程序,模板由其名称提供,而特定磁盘由其UUID赋予
Usage: ./unlock_entity.sh [options] [ENTITIES]
-h - This help text.
-v - Turn on verbosity (WARNING: lots of output)
-l LOGFILE - The logfile for capturing output (def. )
-s HOST - The database servername for the database (def. localhost)
-p PORT - The database port for the database (def. 5432)
-u USER - The username for the database (def. engine)
-d DATABASE - The database name (def. engine)
-t TYPE - The object type {vm | template | disk | snapshot}
-r - Recursive, unlocks all disks under the selected vm/template.
-q - Query db and display a list of the locked entites.
ENTITIES - The list of object names in case of vm/template, UUIDs in case of a disk
NOTE: This utility access the database and should have the
corresponding credentals.
In case that a password is used to access the database PGPASSWORD
or PGPASSFILE should be set.
$ PGPASSWORD=xxxxxx ./unlock_entity.sh -t disk -q
oVirt实用程序 该目录/usr/share/ovirt-engine/setup/dbutils或开发人员设置上的目录$PREFIX/share/ovirt-engine/setup/dbutils包含有用的脚本,可帮助解决各种数据库问题。 fkvalidator fkvalidaor.sh是必须在升级之前在客户数据库上运行的脚本。该实用程序检查数据库内的所有数据是否一致,并且没有破坏任何FK约束 。fkvalidaor.sh列出了发现的问题并可以解决这些问题是-使用f开关 用法 用法:fkvalidator.sh [-h] [-s服务器名[-p端口]] [-d数据库] [-u用户名] [-l日志文件] [-f] [-v] -s SERVERNAME - The database servername for the database (def. localhost) -p PORT - The database port for the database (def. 5432) -d DATABASE - The database name (def. engine) -u USERNAME - The admin username for the database. -l LOGFILE - The logfile for capturing output (def. fkvalidator.sh.log) -f - Fix the non consistent data by removing it from DB. -v - Turn on verbosity (WARNING: lots of output) -h - This help text. 任务清理器 taskcleaner.sh是用于清理异步任务和相关作业步骤/补偿数据的实用程序。该实用程序可以: 显示 All async tasks Only Zombie tasks 删除 All tasks All Zombie tasks A task related to a given task id A Zombie task related to a given task id All tasks related to a given command id All Zombie tasks related to a given command id 可以添加标志(-C,-J)以指定是否还应清除作业步骤和补偿数据。 用法 Usage: taskcleaner.sh [-h] [-s server] [-p PORT]] [-d DATABASE] [-u USERNAME] [-l LOGFILE] [-t taskId] [-c commandId] [-z] [-R] [-C][-J] [-q] [-v] -s SERVERNAME - The database servername for the database (def.localhost) -p PORT - The database port for the database (def. 5432) -d DATABASE - The database name (def.engine) -u USERNAME - The admin username for the database. -l LOGFILE - The logfile for capturing output (def.taskcleaner.sh.log) -t TASK_ID - Removes a task by its Task ID. -c COMMAND_ID - Removes all tasks related to the given Command Id. -z - Removes/Displays a Zombie task. -R - Removes all Zombie tasks. -C - Clear related compensation entries. -J - Clear related Job Steps. -q - Quite mode, do not prompt for confirmation. -v - Turn on verbosity (WARNING: lots of output) -h - Help text. unlock_entity unlock_entity.sh是用于取消放置VM,模板和/或其关联磁盘或特定磁盘 VM的实用程序,模板由其名称提供,而特定磁盘由其UUID赋予 用法 Usage: ./unlock_entity.sh [options] [ENTITIES] -h - This help text. -v - Turn on verbosity (WARNING: lots of output) -l LOGFILE - The logfile for capturing output (def. ) -s HOST - The database servername for the database (def. localhost) -p PORT - The database port for the database (def. 5432) -u USER - The username for the database (def. engine) -d DATABASE - The database name (def. engine) -t TYPE - The object type {vm | template | disk | snapshot} -r - Recursive, unlocks all disks under the selected vm/template. -q - Query db and display a list of the locked entites. ENTITIES - The list of object names in case of vm/template, UUIDs in case of a disk NOTE: This utility access the database and should have the corresponding credentals. In case that a password is used to access the database PGPASSWORD or PGPASSFILE should be set. Example: $ PGPASSWORD=xxxxxx ./unlock_entity.sh -t disk -q (责任编辑:IT) |