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CentOS(RedHat) 6.2下Samba配置

时间:2015-01-18 02:38来源:linux.it.net.cn 作者:IT

为了实现《基于开源软件构建高性能集群NAS系统 》中提到的全部用开源软件实现一个高性能集群NAS系统,趁着这几天有点时间,打算全部用VMware的虚拟机机来搭一个实验环境。全程参考《http://www.centos.org/docs/5/html/Deployment_Guide-en-US/ch-samba.html》与《http://docs.redhat.com/docs/en-US/Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux/6/html/Deployment_Guide/ch-File_and_Print_Servers.html#s1-Samba》。

Samba is an open source implementation of the Server Message Block (SMB) protocol. It allows the networking of Microsoft Windows®, Linux, UNIX, and other operating systems together, enabling access to Windows-based file and printer shares. Samba’s use of SMB allows it to appear as a Windows server to Windows clients.

1. 安装Samba服务

[root@server2 ~]# rpm -qa |grep samba
安装后将启动3个daemons (smbdnmbd, and winbindd)和2个services (smb and windbind) :


The smbd server daemon provides file sharing and printing services to Windows clients. In addition, it is responsible for user authentication, resource locking, and data sharing through the SMB protocol. The default ports on which the server listens for SMB traffic are TCP ports 139 and 445.

The smbd daemon is controlled by the smb service.


The nmbd server daemon understands and replies to NetBIOS name service requests such as those produced by SMB/CIFS in Windows-based systems. These systems include Windows 95/98/ME, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, and LanManager clients. It also participates in the browsing protocols that make up the Windows Network Neighborhood view. The default port that the server listens to for NMB traffic is UDP port 137.

The nmbd daemon is controlled by the smb service.

smbd :这个 daemon 的主要功能就是用来管理 SAMBA 主机分享什么目录、档案与印表机等等的内容。
nmbd :这个 daemon 则是用来管理群组啦、NetBIOS name 等等的解析。


The winbind service resolves user and group information on a server running Windows NT 2000 or Windows Server 2003. This makes Windows user / group information understandable by UNIX platforms. This is achieved by using Microsoft RPC calls, Pluggable Authentication Modules (PAM), and the Name Service Switch (NSS). This allows Windows NT domain users to appear and operate as UNIX users on a UNIX machine. Though bundled with the Samba distribution, the winbindservice is controlled separately from the smb service.

The winbindd daemon is controlled by the winbind service and does not require the smb service to be started in order to operate. Winbindd is also used when Samba is an Active Directory member, and may also be used on a Samba domain controller (to implement nested groups and/or interdomain trust). Because winbind is a client-side service used to connect to Windows NT-based servers, further discussion of winbind is beyond the scope of this manual.

2. 配置Samba Serve

图形界面可以允许system-config-samba或System => Administration => Server Settings => Samba


2.1 创建共享文件夹

add Samba share

2.2 访问安全设置

samba share security setting



2.3 配置文件smb.conf


workgroup = workgroup //工作组名称
server string = samba server %v at %h //设置服务器名称.%v为版本号,%h为运行smb服务的主机名
host allow = 192.168.80. 192.168.70. //允许访问服务器的主机
client code page = 939 //支持简体中文共享名



例一: 建立资源,使登陆到该服务器的用户均有权使用该空间(包括读,写)

vi smb.conf
               comment = local resource
               path = /var/samba/resource
               read only = no
               public = yes                      //允许guest用户访问

<2>. 建立共享文件夹

 mkdir -p /var/samba/resource

<3>. 由于任何人都能使用,所以得给该文件夹设置访问权限.

 chmod 707 /var/samba/resource

<4>. 如果想在该文件夹中放置预共享文件,而又不想花时间从别的文件夹中cp过来,此时可以使用指针. 比如想共享/usr/share/doc中的文件,则可以:

ln -s /usr/share/doc /var/samba/resource/doc

进入/var/samba/resource ls一下,是不是出现指针文件了!

例二: 建立一资源,只能让用户austin全权访问.
<1>. 编辑smb.conf文件

vi smb.conf
                 comment = austin
	      path = /var/samba/austin
                 vaild users = smz           //只允许austin访问
                 public = no
                 writable = yes

<2>. 建立共享文件夹

 mkdir -p /var/samba/austin

<3>. 由于只能让austin使用,所以得给该文件夹设置访问权限.

chown austin:austin /var/samba/austin
chmod 700 /var/samba/austin


例三: 建立一资源,只能让root,zhang和wang访问.
<1>. 编辑smb.conf文件

vi smb.conf
[zhang wang]
                    comment = zhang wang
                    path = /var/samba/zhangwang
                    vaild users = zhang wang
                    public = no
                    writable = yes
                    creat mask = 0707

<2>. 建立共享文件夹

 mkdir -p /var/samba/zhangwang

<3>. 给该文件夹设置访问权限.

 chmod 707 /var/samba/zhangwang


例四: 建立一资源,让指定的组group2中的用户访问.
<1>. 编辑smb.conf文件

vi smb.conf
                    comment = group2
                    path = /var/samba/group2
                    public = yes
                    writable = yes
                    write list = @group2         //设置读写访问用户列表

<2>. 建立共享文件夹

mkdir -p /var/samba/group2

<3>. 给该文件夹设置访问权限.

chown group2.group2 /var/samba/group2
chmod 770 /var/samba/group2

(3). 以上为创建共享文件夹,下面为创建共享打印机.
<1>. 配置打印机的方面有很多,比如使用redhat-config-printer命令即可调出配置菜单.
<2>. 当然smb.conf中也要设置啊:

        printcap name = /etc/printcap     //配置文件路径
        [printers]    writable = no
        guest ok = yes                    //guest可用
        browseable = no                   //不可浏览
        ptrintable = yes
        path = /var/spool/samba          //队列位置
         printer admin = root            //打印机管理员


          comment = printer drivers
          path = /etc/samba/drivers
          browseable = yes
          guest ok = no
          read only = yes
          write list = root


mkdir -p /etc/samba/drivers


cupsaddsmb -a -U root       //-a为共享所有打印机 -U为以root身份执行

4. 测试并启动Samba服务器.

testparm //测试
service smb start

5. 访问Samba(1). 从Windows端访问.
(2). 访问时可以使用IP地址,也可以使用主机名访问.

vi /etc/samba/lmhosts      smz_f91


smbclient -L IP/主机名 [-U 用户名]              //浏览Linux/Windows资源列表
smbclient -L                      //浏览Linux
smbclient -L -U administrator  //浏览Windows
smbclient //IP/共享文件夹名 -U 系统用户名       //详细查看某一共享资源的内容
smbclient // -U root/administrator

2.4 设置密码文件

2.4.1 添加Samba用户

参考《centos下samba配置》,在CentOS6.2 和 Redhat 5.7测试发现/etc/samba目录下找不到smbpasswd文件:

[root@server1 samba]# ll /etc/samba
total 20
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root    20 Jun 22 20:12 lmhosts
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 10014 Jul 29 18:38 smb.conf
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root    97 Jun 22 20:12 smbusers


[root@server1 samba]# grep passdb /etc/samba/smb.conf
#        passdb backend = tdbsam
;       passdb backend = tdbsam
;       passdb backend = tdbsam

添加一行 smb passwd file:

[root@server1 samba]# grep  "smb passwd file" /etc/samba/smb.conf
smb passwd file = /etc/samba/smbpasswd
[root@server1 samba]# service smb reload
Reloading smb.conf file:                                   [  OK  ]

用smbpasswd 创建新的Samba用户,还是没有smbpasswd文件产生,上网搜了一下,这里提到:

samba3.x的早期版本默认使用tdb库也就是smb.conf默认设定为passdb backend = tdbsam,只需要注释掉该行添加smb passwd file = /etec/samba/smbpasswd即可使用smbpasswd存储加密密钥。samba3.5.6更加规范了passdb backend参数的使用,取消了smb passwd file设定,如果简单注释掉passdb backend参数,密钥文件也不会被存储到smbpasswd。所以很多人说怎么修改smb.conf的配置,smbpasswd文件都无法生成,就算手工创建,内容也是0字节。

要用传统的文本方式存储只需这样设定passdb backend = smbpasswd:/etc/samba/smbpasswd(后面跟的是绝对路径,不要再画蛇添足的写上smb passwd file = /etec/samba/smbpasswd,该参数已经不适用于新版本的samba了。 注意,这里的用户名必须是linux中存在的用户,可以使用useradd命令在系统中添加一个用户,然后再增加一个对应的samba用户,也就是一个用户名使用的是两套密码。一个是系统用户密码,另一个密码存储在/etc/samba/smbpasswd文件中的samba密码,这样可以防止>系统用户密钥外泄带来的安全隐患。


[root@server1 samba]# grep passdb /etc/samba/smb.conf
#       passdb backend = tdbsam
        passdb backend = smbpasswd:/etc/samba/smbpasswd
;       passdb backend = tdbsam
;       passdb backend = tdbsam
[root@server1 samba]# smbpasswd -a jonathan
New SMB password:
Retype new SMB password:
startsmbfilepwent_internal: file /etc/samba/smbpasswd did not exist.
File successfully created.
Added user jonathan.
[root@server1 samba]# ll
total 24
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root    20 Jun 22 20:12 lmhosts
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 10103 Jul 29 19:36 smb.conf
-rw-------. 1 root root   107 Jul 29 19:37 smbpasswd
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root    97 Jun 22 20:12 smbusers
[root@server1 samba]# cat smbpasswd
[U          ]:LCT-5015206B:
2.4.1 给smbpasswd等文件及文件夹设置访问权限
chown root:root /etc/samba/smbpasswd
chmod 600 /etc/samba/smbpasswd
chmod 600 /etc/samba

3. 访问Samba CIFS share

samba cifs share


  • http://www.centos.org/docs/5/html/Deployment_Guide-en-US/ch-samba.html
  • http://blog.chinaunix.net/space.php?uid=20715874&do=blog&id=1887729
  • http://docs.redhat.com/docs/en-US/Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux/6/html/Deployment_Guide/ch-File_and_Print_Servers.html#s1-Samba
  • http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/409619165.html
